On Wednesday 09 May 2001 02:32, Craig Sanders wrote:
> > Currently there are two usable repositories of Potato packages.
> > There's a repository of kernel-related packages to run 2.4.x kernels
> > on Potato, and there's a repository of LDAP related packages and other
> > things that Wichert is maintaining.
> >
> > Both of these are good work, but even combined they don't provide what
> > I consider to be adequate support for Potato.
> >
> > I would like a version of Potato that is not entirely frozen.  It
> > should have updates not only for security reasons but also for
> > addition of new programs, and for adding new programs which add
> > significant functionality and don't break things (such as Wichert's
> > LDAP packages).
> why?
> your suggestion would add a huge load of administrative and maintainence
> overhead in order to support a convenient fiction - providing little or
> no real benefit. worse than that, it subverts the only real point in
> having versioned releases - the ability to know what is included in any
> released version.

No.  You can get the potato distribution which has the stable versions of 
software and then selectively apply new versions where you need them.

> you also risk creating greater problems back-porting packages from
> testing or unstable - they would be divergent packages which don't get
> anywhere near the same amount of testing and usage as packages in the
> mainline development cycle.
> for example, ask yourself: why is libc6-2.2.2-potato1 (or whatever the
> potato version would be) any "better" or "safer" than just installing
> libc6-2.2.2 from woody or sid? i can't see how it could be, and all
> you've achieved is having two divergent versions of 2.2.2 to support.

I didn't anticipate that anyone would want to back-port something as core as 
libc6.  The idea is that you can run the latest postfix (for example) on the 
old libc6.

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