Dirk> May I humbly suggest that we establish some sort of policy regarding
  Dirk> packages that obsolete and can be retired?

  Guy> Propose that the package be made obsolete on debian-devel.  After the
  Guy> discussion is resolved, file a bug against ftp.debian.org to make the
  Guy> change.

I would like to have a2gs and a2ps removed. They both have the same
Description: text, and scope, "ASCII to PostScript filter".

For me, a2gs is broken. I filed bug 1112 against it [1], and this bug is
still open after 13 months. There are also bugs 3456 and 3848 against it.
a2ps does a similar thing, but is in non-free. It has bugs 1874 and 3911
against it.

Both programs are _completely surpassed_ by enscript (which used to be called
genscript), a _GPL'ed_ program that does more than a2ps and a2gs.

I propose, as I did before, that these programs get removed. Unless someone
complains, I will, as suggested, file two bugs against ftp.debian.org to have
them removed.

[1] I also filed that against gs, and it is hence listed as a gs bug.

Dirk Eddelb"uttel                             http://qed.econ.queensu.ca/~edd

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