On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 07:03:01AM +0200, Simon Richter wrote:
> > I like this all, but we have the problem with outdated translations. 
> Yes, that's why I want these files to be automatically added from the
> database: The database still contains the untranslated strings, so we can
> check whether the translations are up to date. If the checking were performed
> on the end user's machine, you would ship the unstranslated strings
> n+1 times, with n being the number of translations, and if the
> translation was no longer up to date, the end user's box would throw
> them away.
> With my proposal, a .deb file would never contain an outdated
> translation unless the maintainer forced it.

please can you point out this process more clearly in a new version of
the proposal. 

> > A to written script (dh_i10ndesc) include the translation only in the
> > deb, if the orignal description from the po file comform with the
> > description in the controll file. With this we don't have outdate
> > descriptions in the deb. 
> This still has the problem that the maintainer has to take some action
> to get the translation into the .deb, which we wanted to avoid. But we
> might need to take an approach like that, see my next mail.

no, I don't see a extra work.

maybe the maintainer don't add translations:
 He must do nothing. The dh_i10ndesc script is in rules and make all

maybe the maintainer add a french translation (a french maintainer):
 He write only a po file like description and the  dh_i10ndesc script
 is in rules and make all work. If he change the english text and
 forgot the translation he get a error and the script don't add the
 translation in the deb.

> > The user can install a desc-trans-XX.deb and have with this deb a
> > local override file.
> I don't see the point in this. Why would the user want to override
> translated descriptions?

Normal the user (or better root) don't have a this override file. But
maybe he is a translator and translate some descriptions and he will
add this translation to his po files and use this and he must not wait
on the delay with the ddts and the ftp admin from this override file. 

This local override don't cost something. If we use the local gettext
and some po files and generate with this a mo file, we have this
feature and some roots will maybe use it...

> > katie has all informations. it has the descriptions from the packages,
> > the translations from the packages and maybe one/some override files
> > with traslations. It can make Packages-XX files. But I don't like
> > this. 
> > IMHO better is this: 
> > katie make the normal Packages file and some Descriptions-XX files.
> > With only Package: and Description-XX: tags. Apt can download the
> > Packages file like normal and/or on/some Descriptions file(s). 
> This makes sense once people want to have the descriptions of
> uninstalled packages in multiple (read: more than one language on one
> box) languages, since it helps avoid some confusion with packages of the
> same name and version being available from multiple sources.

this is IMHO a must feature. 

If you can only install one languages, the system is very bad. 

> > The user can config what languages he will support. Apt can use this
> > Descriptions files itself or (IMHO) better make a po file with the
> > Packages and Description file and make with this a mo file. And use
> > the normal dgettext. With this we don't use the desc-trans-XX.deb in
> > real. 
> What is the point in using gettext then? If you generate the .po file
> >from two different sources (original and translation without the
> original text), the translation cannot be out of date.

gettext do all the work, you get never old translations, you must
patch apt with > 30 lines  (note: we don't count apt now), we use old
tested code, use all the time the same translations, ...

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
Linux -- das System fuer Kaltduscher und aechte Maenner   aus d.c.o.u.l.n

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