On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 12:43:09PM +0200, Richard Atterer wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 02, 2001 at 08:31:40AM +0200, Michael Bramer wrote:
> > On Sat, Sep 01, 2001 at 11:19:42PM +0200, Richard Atterer wrote:
> > > Furthermore, as mentioned before, translation packages have the
> > > disadvantage that new Descriptions, i.e. _the_ones_you_are_most_likely
> > > _to_look_at_, will *not* be translated because you haven't yet
> > > downloaded the latest translation package.
> > 
> > no. If you download the desc-trans-XX.de you have all translations
> > from XX on your system. Not only the translations from the installed
> > packages.
> I'm aware of this - what I was getting at is something like
> - a new package gets added to the archive
> - translators update the desc-trans package with a translation
> - J. Random Hacker does an apt-get update and then looks through the
>   list of new packages for anything worth installing
> In this case J. will *always* see English descriptions for the new
> packages, since he hasn't upgraded the desc package yet.

yes you are right and this is a old point. 

But see my comment in a other mail. The desc-trans-XX.deb is/was only the
first step. In future apt-get update must download some translations
with the Package file. (btw: apt must download extra files all a time,
if you use ddts or not, if you save the translation in the package or
not, this is the special with the description. See other mail)

I make some first thoughts about this in this mail. And now I thought
about a newer, better proposal with this apt process.

> > Independent of the solution, we need some 
> >  - translated Packages file
> What for? I thought with this new proposal all translated descriptions
> end up in the Description-XX, and Packages contains the English
> descriptions?

Yes I proposed this, see a below.
> >  - Description-XX file (with translated descriptions)
> >  - a desc-trans-XX.deb (with a po/mo file with translated
> >    descriptions)
> > if the user should see translated descriptions before he installed a
> > package.
> AIUI, the desc-trans-XX.deb contains "overrides" for outdated
> descriptions in the source packages. But why put them in a separate
> package when you can put them directly into the Description-XX file?

sorry, I don't say this clearly. 

I miss a big _or_ in the list. 

In the other mail, I am thinking about:
 - translated Packages files 
    like the hacked Packages files on gluck.  See the guide and the
    faq on auric.d.o/~grisu/ddts/. I don't like this, this is a real
    hack.  Apt don't know about the translation. It don't support real
    multi languages. It is a hack.
 - extra Description-XX files, with only the translated descriptions.
    This is a better way. have some pro and cons.
 - extra po like file (this was not in the old mail)
 - normal desc-trans-XX.deb

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]  -- Linux Sysadmin   -- Use Debian Linux
Ja, aber der Bootvorgang ist doch so sch?n mit den Wolken und so. Das
st?rt meiner Meinung nach garnicht. (Martin Heinz zum Rebooten von M$-W)

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