
On Sat, Sep 01, 2001 at 12:21:41PM +0300, Richard Braakman wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 30, 2001 at 10:32:19PM +0200, Carsten Leonhardt wrote:
> > A Mennucc1 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > > Why? well, there was no big consenous on any name; so I looked at the
> > > problem the other way around, and saw that nobody was actually against
> > > 'win', but for
> > >  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Janusz S. Biee?), who said that
> > >  
> > > > In hacker language, calling something a "win" is a form of praise.  We
> > > > don't want to praise a non-free Microsoft system, so we don't call it
> > > > "win".
> > 
> > I guess (I hope!) that's because one person gave a good reason, and
> > the rest didn't want to write "ME TOO!" messages. Please reconsider.
> Sigh.  Yes, the quote also represented my opinion perfectly, so I
> saw no need to add a me-too.
> "A Mennucc1", please don't make a habit of _counting_ arguments to
> determine their relevance.  It's not very useful, and if it becomes
> a popular habit it will just increase the noise level.  I don't want
> to see this mailing list devolve into a shouting-the-loudest contest.[1]

I am not counting arguments as I would count ballots; I am 
just acknowledging  them. savour the difference

> If you want to settle something by vote, then hold an actual vote.

see next e-mail

> > > but this does not apply here; I indeed hope that 'Debian GNU/win'
> > > will be a 'win' :-)
> A win of what?  You never actually said what you intend to achieve
> with it.

did you read my whole e-mail? it is explained clearly!
didnt you see a piece starting as 
'-----why is the 'win' port important?'
(and I even used these section markers to make my e-mail more

> > I'd recommend "w32", but seeing that your mailinglist is already named
> > "win32", you could go for that.
> I reluctantly agree with Carsten here.  I'd rather not have the "win"
> appear at all, but there doesn't seem to be another name for the
> family of 32-bit operating systems in the microsoft windows series.
> (On the other hand, "cygnus" might be a more accurate description of
> your platform.)
> By the way, it can't be "GNU/win".  The GNU system is defined as a
> free operating system, so it can't have a Windows kernel.

see next e-mail


A Mennucc
 "È un mondo difficile. Che vita intensa!" (Renato Carotone)

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