#include <hallo.h>
Nick Phillips wrote on Tue Sep 04, 2001 um 03:30:08PM:
> So you probably don't usually want the translations to be part of the
> package sources or binaries. They're logically separate, and should usually
> be physically separate (as physically as we ever get in this sense).
> So, apt, for example would be told what to do with a line:
> deb-trans http://www.debian.org/debian potato/de main contrib non-free

Just my 0.02¤:

You are completely right. We should keep the translated stuff out of the
packages. Some people claim a package to contain all stuff related to
it, but it is too complicated considering the frequency of updated when
translating the stuff. Developers should work together with DDTS if they
want to have control of the stuff concerning their packages.

IMHO a new script should work with the ddts database and create the
needed .po files. Additionally, the .mo file may be created so the
clients won't have to compile then on their side. This needs further

About the space usage: I thing the best way is to create a big .po/.mo
file for all arches and each release.

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