On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 09:13:00AM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 05, 2001 at 09:49:09PM +1000, Hamish Moffatt wrote:
> > Do package descriptions change so regularly that translated descriptions
> > couldn't be submitted through the bug tracking system and included
> > in the next upload?
> That doesn't serve the purpose of hijacking pieces of the maintainer's
> package away from him, which, as you'll note, is the foundational
> premise of Michael Bramer's entire proposal.
> He doesn't want the maintainer involved at all, except to sit by
> helplessly and get flooded with emails notifying him that his package
> has been modified yet again.

sorry, branden.

 1.) you speak only about the 1. proposal
 2.) In the last proposal, I propose a way to include the translation
     in the package. This proposal has some improvments and is more
 3.) I don't flooded the maintainer.
 4.) In this list and per PM I get some request about this mails. If I
     hadn't support this mails, some maintainers whould have wept.
 5.) I ask yesterday if we should stop this mails, and only some make this
 6.) I and some other translators get some 'Thanks' after the
     notifcation mail. This is not wrong in all ways.
 7.) This notification mails are like the mails from the BTS or from
 8.) This mails are not helplessly. I know some translators, who get
     improvments from the maintainer. 
 9.) If you right and this mails are useless, we should put the
     maintainer out of the loop. But you are wrong. Some maintainers
     are very active and help the translators. 
10.) Make you the request to send this all to the BTS?

If we make the translations, we have two excesses:
 - we put the maintainer really in the loop (without a override file)

   With this the maintainers get some mails from the translator
   project. More like now. Now we only at the start, now we don't make
   a real review process. Now we have only 10 languages. 
   In this case the maintainer must make the whole work after the

   Sorry, but if some maintainers complain about this mails (without
   real work on there site) now, they don't make a good work in the

 - we put the maintainer out of the loop

   The maintainer need not do anything. Maybe he don't know the
   translation. The user only use this. This need only the

I don't propose one of this excesses now. I post a proposal with both

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
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