On Mon, Sep 03, 2001 at 11:15:03AM +0200, A Mennucc1 wrote:
> hi
>   --- still on the name
> <flame mode>
> let's start by a few quotations:
> "an arch is an arch is an arch is an arch"
> "an arch by any other name would work the same"
> "shut up and show them the arch"
> it: "l' arch e' l'apostrofo rosa fra le parole 'package' e '.deb'"
> en: "the arch is the pink apostrophe between 'package' and '.deb'"
> what I mean is: is the name of the arch so so so so relevant?
> when we are sure that it makes reasonable sense, and that 
> it has no legal problems, doesnt this suffice?
> </flame mode>

Please do your port, don't waste your energy in such futile debates :) If I'm
interested in the port, I don't give a shit to what name it'll have. I just
want it to *work*


Eric VAN BUGGENHAUT     "Oh My God! They killed init! You Bastards!"
                        --from a /. post
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