On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 04:12:12PM +0900, Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:
> According to the FAQ, a person (A) who translated a package into
> a language will has a priviledge on the translation of the package.
> I.e., if someone (B) wants to modify the translation, B needs A's
> help for his/her translation to be finally adopted.  A problem of
> this policy is that if A has gone the project, nobody will be able
> to modify the translation.  Another problem is that leading translator
> will continue to load the responsibility of the pakcage translation.
> Fear of this continuing and growing responsibility can hesitate
> translators to translate as many packages as possible.

Yes, I make the first translator like a owner of the translation. 

And since 2(?) weeks, only the first translator can upload a new
translation. If a other translator send a changed translation to the
server, it will send a mail to the first translator with the old and
new translation and a diff. 

This is the first step of the BTS in the ddts. Now we have only the
notification mail. 

In future the server will make this: 
 - the translator must resende the package (maybe unchanges) or close
   the bug
 - If the translator don't send the bug back to the system in 4 weeks,
   he will remove as translator of this package and the bug submitter
   get a 'you can take over this package' mail
 - If the submitter don't take over the package, the server will put
   the description back in the pool again.

Also can every coordinator change a translation on request. 

> I rather like a more dispersive equality model like CVS.  In CVS,
> every committer have equal right to commit their modifications.
> We will think about committing priviledge control (account issuing)
> to avoid attack to DDTS.  I think the account issuing job should be
> done by language cordinators.

what is your opinion? Solve the above solution the problem?

The server need a translator per description, it need a email address.
If a maintainer change a description, the server will send a update
mail to the translator. For it the server need the email address.

> I only read the FAQ of DDTS.  I have never experiened this situation.
> Sorry if I misunderstand the FAQ.

one thing to the ddts:
  The ddts is only at the beginning and I change daily the code. We
  have now only 60% of the ddts running. I have a long TODO list and
  some ideas for the future.

  If you have problems or improvements, please write a mail. 

Michael Bramer  -  a Debian Linux Developer http://www.debian.org
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