On Thu, Sep 06, 2001 at 01:29:11PM +0200, Marek Habersack wrote:
> ** On Sep 05, Radovan Garabik scribbled:

> > use ttmkfdir instead. It still does not generate 10646 encoding in output,
> > but at least it will put there all the encodings that the font covers,
> > and you can add 10646 entry by hand.
> I noticed that it also fails to process fome TTF fonts (check out
> http://curiosity.de/downloads/fonts/curefonts.zip - most of them get
> ignored when generating fonts.dir)

they are not complete - ttmkfdir generates lines only for
encodings the font contains all the chars of (obviously, 
very few - if any - ucs fonts pass this test)
Use -c option with such fonts.

> > I have however other problems with ttf fonts - they are 
> > EXTREMELY slow. When I use arialuni.ttf (25MB font with the best
> > unicode coverage) as main font in konqueror, just drawing a page
> > in ASCII takes 2 minutes (PIII 600 MHz). During those 2
> Are you using the freetype backend?

freetype backend, xfs font server and xfs-ttf font server all
seem to take the same long time.
I tried xtt backend but I was not succesful in setting it up.

| Radovan Garabik http://melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk/~garabik/ |
| __..--^^^--..__    garabik @ melkor.dnp.fmph.uniba.sk     |
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