Vince Mulhollon (2001-09-07 12:21:30 -0500) :

> On 09/07/2001 11:20:42 AM Andrew Suffield wrote:
>>> But futile and misguided. CVS has whole swathes of fundamental flaws,
>>> largely historical. Better to integrate with something similar to CVS
> References?  Just curious what the huge problems are.  It fundamentally
> seems to work, or at least I've not yet run into any road blocks.

On <URL:> you can read a list of features
that make Subversion better than CVS, which points to weaknesses in

- Directories, renames and meta-data are not really supported in CVS;
- Symlinks are not either;
- Repeated merges (when you work on branches) are a PITA.

  These are real-life problems of CVS, not just theoretical
weaknesses.  One lives with it (I've been doing so for years), but one
dreams of a day when they are no more problems.

Roland Mas

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