On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 04:01:45PM -0500, Sarah Nilles wrote:
> Good afternoon,
> I have a customer that is already using the Debian-Linux.  They want to
> replace their server and that where I come in.  Are there any special
> needs for your software?  We are looking at the AMD Thunderbird
> processors - ATI video and standard equipment.  Could you please get
> back in touch with me, as soon as possible.
> Thank you,  Sarah

<SARCASM mode="honest">

Yes there are special needs...

You need an i386,ia64,alpha,arm,sparc,m68k,ppc,mips,etc. compatible processor
(your Thunderbird is i386 compatable, you should compile the kernel as K7 to
take full advantage of your processor)

You need RAM, I believe 8MB is the minimum amount allowed on a new Debian
install (I don't believe any Thunderbird motherboards except anything slower
than a DIMM, and I've never seen a DIMM smaller than 16MB, so I think you're
clear here too).

You need to run Linux, BSD, or Hurd (soon win32 also?).  Debian installs
Linux by default (or does that just depend on which boot floppies you get?).

You need a hard drive to install onto (unless you want root over NFS).  But
I'm not so sure that's allowed under the normal boot floppy install.

A video card makes things easier, though you could also do it over a serial
dumb terminal (but you do need *something* to enable interaction with the 
install scripts).  Your ATI card, and normal AT or PS/2 keyboard will most
likely work (unless they're broken).



In other words..., no there is most likely nothing special you'll need that
you don't have.  Though you'll want to recompile your kernel once you get
everything setup the way you want, and that can be a little tricky if you've
never done it before.

As a general rule..., if you can load DOS on the computer, then you can put
Linux on it (though you can't do a normal Debian install on an XT, or a 286,
the ELKS -- Embeded Linux Kernel S? -- kernel is *supposed* to run on them,
though I've never actually tried it myself).

Since you're not installing a new Debian system, but replacing hardware, all
you will probably need is to recompile the kernel, and change out the old
aliases in /etc/modutils/*, and devfsd settings to refer to the new hardware
(sound, ethernet, mouse, usb, ps2, {cd,dvd}rom, infrared ports, etc., etc.).

I believe www.debian.org should be able to explain everything to you, if you
have any more specific questions that the web site doesn't answer, then feel
free to ask.


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