On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 12:53:49AM -0400, Matt Zimmerman wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 12, 2001 at 10:51:04PM -0400, Elie Rosenblum wrote:
> > Would turning /usr/lib/procmail-lib into a symlink to the appropriate
> > location be acceptable? I would really rather avoid breaking every rcfile
> > that currently uses any of these recipes.
> This, in particular, won't work, because dpkg won't replace a directory with
> a symlink.  You could, however, replace the files themselves with symlinks,
> and if you decide that it is important enough to transparently preserve
> backward compatibility, I would recommend that you do that.

Good point, I hadn't gotten that far yet. Thanks.

> > My real philosophical difficulty here is that this is a weird case - it is
> > unlikely to burn admins, for whom I could add a notice of this during
> > package upgrade; I am worried about the users in general.
> You can't take too much direct responsibility for the users; you should keep
> the admin well-informed, and let them communicate/deal with the users.  In
> some sites, the admin might silently fix all of the users' configurations;
> at another, they might send out an email announcement telling them to do it
> themselves; another admin might leave it up to the users to fix their
> configurations.  As the Debian maintainer, you can't be aware of local
> policy.

I was worried about bonehead admins who would just consider, "I'm not
using that myself," and ignore the note. I guess, however, it is the
admins right to screw over their own users. It was the very fact that
I can't be aware of local policy that had me worried. :)

I'll probably follow your recommendations, barring anybody else piping
up with something we've overlooked.

Elie Rosenblum                 That is not dead which can eternal lie,
http://www.cosanostra.net   And with strange aeons even death may die.
Admin / Mercenary / System Programmer             - _The Necronomicon_

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