On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 07:42:53AM -0500, John Hasler wrote:
> Nick writes:
> > So using "GB" as a country code is incorrect, as Great Britain is *NOT* a
> > country, really.
> You better have a talk with the ISO about that.


There are enough fucked-up standards out there that one more won't hurt...

Besides, it was probably the ignorant Brits on the committee that decided
on the codes that insisted that they didn't like "UK" :(

And in oh-so-many other areas we also have to live with such things. We're
known as "Great Britain" in various sports, but when England play football/
rugby/whatever, they usually misappropriate the UK national anthem (while
the Scots, Welsh, and Northern Irish do their own thing)... we do end up
using "Land of Hope and Glory" occasionally.

Maybe there's a difference between a "nation" and a "country", too.

Point being, if most of us don't have a clue where we belong to, how should
the ISO or anyone else be expected to get it right?


(mix up a chunk of English with a bit of Welsh, lay a veneer of British
over the result, and throw in a dash of UK...)
Nick Phillips -- [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Everything that you know is wrong, but you can be straightened out.

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