--- Begin Message ---
Tomohiro KUBOTA wrote:

> Hello,


> At Mon, 24 Sep 2001 15:39:58 +0000,
> Sulaiman Alhasawi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   Hello debian developers . Im from Kuwait and arabic is my language . i
> > have been searching in debian
> >  for arabic support [ fonts , docs , etc .... ] and found nothing . im
> > interested in joining your community
> >  and possibly taking care some of arabic projects .
> If you already have such things [fonts, docs, etc...] outside Debian,
> I recommend you to develop Debian packages for them.  For your packages
> to be included in Debian distribution, you will have to be a registered
> Debian developer.  Please read http://www.debian.org/devel/join/ for
> detail in joining Debian Project.  Registration into Debian is a long
> process which usually take months.  Thus, you will be interested in
> Sponsorship Program which is mentioned in the above webpage.  When
> developing Debian packages, please refer Developers' Corner
> http://www.debian.org/devel/ and you will find some useful documents.

 Yes i do have  fonts and i get more .  There are quite enough softwares that
already out and can help .

 I can maintain them for debian too .

> If you have to develop Arabic supports in upstream level (i.e.,
> mere packaging is insufficient), I suggest you to contact with
> the upstream developers of softwares.  For example, you may want
> to contact with developers of Rxvt and Xterm to ask Arab support.
> Also, I recommend you to maintain Arab web pages, documents, and
> other translations for Debian.  Please refer
> http://www.debian.org/international/ for detail.

  Sure . Thats what im interested in and thats why im here . Im already
translating LDP project with the

 help of my collegues becuase its so big .

> > i have good
> > experience in linux-unix and progaramming also . im just curious
> > to know what do you think of it ?
> Fantastic!  Debian intends to be a united "world version" distribution,
> unlike other distributions or OSes (for example, we buy Japanese version
> of MS Windows).  I am sure every Debian members will welcome the
> addition of Arab support.
> > unfortunately
> > i dont know any developer who
> >  can recommend me because i have not communicated with any one so far .
> A problem.  Becoming a member of Debian Project needs an "advocate"
> and some personal identification.  I think you can easily get your
> advocate.  To do so, please do your work and ask comments in this
> mailing list (or some other appropreate ones).  If a registered
> developer admits your work as useful, he/she will be an advocate.
> I think the most difficult step will be the Identification
> http://www.debian.org/devel/join/nm-step2 .  Please consult with
> new-maintainer committee for this problem.
> > also i havent seen
> > a real  arabic project  maintained by a developer .
> I think this is not a problem.
> > i would like debian
> > to become
> >  a better distro by covering more languages  and becomes more
> > international .
> I agree.
> > any ideas ?
> Join us! :-)

   Great .. i have read those pages you refered to . I want to know what the
first thing i should do . Should

 i register my self into  http://nm.debian.org or what  ?? I really
appreciate some advice .


> ---
> http://www.debian.or.jp/~kubota/
> "Introduction to I18N"  http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

--- End Message ---

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