Wajig is a simplified command line interface to many of the typical
Debian administration tasks, including package management and
configuration, and daemon control. It is essentially a collection of
"tricks of the Debian trade" packaged up into one python
program. Underneath it uses apt-get, dpkg, apt-cache, wget, and much
more.  On the surface it is based around a collection of commands that
hopefully make some sense.

Wajig can be installed by adding the following to
/etc/apt/sources.list (not yet an official Debian package):

        deb http://edm.act.cmis.csiro.au/debian ./

and then "apt-get update" and "apt-get install wajig".

Wajig is designed to run as a normal user, using "sudo" as required,
but can also run as root without any extra setup. Using "sudo"
requires a little setting up as described with the doc command "wajig

Try "wajig help" for a list of common commands and "wajig -v help" for
a complete list of available commands. Examples include:

  wajig update               (= apt-get update)
  wajig install less         (= apt-get install less)
  wajig new                  (list new packages since last update)
  wajig newupgrades          (list packages upgraded since last update)
  wajig updatealts editor    (update the default "editor")
  wajig restart apache       (restart the apache daemon)
  wajig listfiles less       (list the files supplied by the "less" pkg)
  wajig whichpkg stdio.h     (what package supplies this header file)
  wajig whatis rats          (one line description of the pakacge "rats")
  wajig orphans              (list libraries not required by other pkgs)

and many more.... (see below for current complete list).

Wajig has evolved over many years and there's a small band of
users. It has some of the same aims as the feta package and I thought
to wrap the extra wajig features into feta, but a number of users
suggested that wajig should stay.  So it was rewritten recently from
being a shell script to a python program. It is available under the

$ wajig -v help
All wajig commands:

 autoclean      Remove all superseded downloaded deb files
 bug            Check for reported bugs in package using the Debian Bug Tacker
 build          Retrieve/unpack sources and build .deb for the named packages
 dist-upgrade   Upgrade to a new distribution (installed and new rqd packages)
 clean          Remove all downloaded deb files
 describe       Provide a description of package (-v and -vv for more detail)
 doc            Equivalent to help with -verbose=2
 editsources    Edit the sources.list file which locates Debian archives
 findfile       Search for a file within installed pacakges
 force          Install package even if it overwrites files from other pkgs
 help           Print documentation (detail depends on --verbose)
 hold           Place listed packages on hold so they are not upgraded
 init           Initialise or reset the wajig archive files
 install        Install (or upgrade) one or more packages or a .deb file
 integrity      Check the integrity of installed packages (through checksums)
 lastupdate     Identify when an update was last performed
 list           List the status of every known package
 listalts       List the objects that can have alternatives configured
 listfiles      List the files that are supplied by the named package
 listnames      List all known packages or those containing supplied string
 new            List packages that became available since last update
 newupgrades    List packages newly available for upgrading
 orphans        List libraries not required by any installed package
 purge          Remove one or more packages and configuration files
 reconfigure    Reconfigure the named installed packages
 reinstall      Reinstall each of the named packages
 remove         Remove one or more packages (see also purge)
 repackage      Generate a .deb file for an installed package
 reset          Initialise or reset the wajig archive files
 search         Search for packages containing listed words
 source         Retrieve and unpack sources for the named packages
 status         Show the version and available version of packages
 toupgrade      List packages with newer versions available for upgrading
 update         Update the list of downloadable packages
 updatealts     Update the default alternative for things like x-window-manager
 upgrade        Upgrade all of the installed packages
 whatis         For each package named obtain a one line description
 whichpkg       Find the package that supplies the given command or file 

Command line options:

 -h|--help      Print usage message.
 -q|--quiet     Do system commands everything quietly.
 -t|--teaching  Trace the sequence of commands performed.
 -v|--verbose=n Increase (or set) the level of verbosity (to n).

Run `wajig -vv help' for documentation.

Graham Williams

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