Package: exmh
Version: 1.6.9-2

Recently, in an attempt to thread messages with exmh, I wrote to the author
of thread.tcl (Ignacio Martinez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>) and asked for
some help, which he has graciously given.

He said that the version of thread.tcl which was in 1.3.9 was outmoded,
and sent me a new version.  I've attached it below.

He also said that I'd need to patch folder.tcl in order to use the 
revised thread.tcl.  I've attached that below also.

He instructed me to run auto_mkindex in /usr/lib/exmh.

Finally, he said I'd have to add some buttons to my .exmh_defaults file.
*Fops.ubuttonlist:      thread
*Fops.thread.text:      Thread
*Fops.thread.command:   Thread_DisplayAll

Two problems with the threader are:
a) every time one executes a Commit after marking a message for deletion,
the whole folder is automatically re-threaded.  This takes a lot of time.
b) threading doesn't work on folders longer than about 2000 files.

In any case, I believe it would be valuable to make this updates to
the exmh package.

Susan Kleinmann

======================new version of thread.tcl===========================
# thread.tcl
# Display FTOC messages in a threaded manner
# Ignacio Martinez        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Fundesco
# Madrid, April 1996

proc Thread_PrintReplies { msg minfo off mark {indent -1} } {
    upvar $minfo msginfo
    global exwin ftoc

    if {$indent < 0} {
        set indent 0
        set blank ""
    } else {
        incr indent [expr [string length $mark] + 1]
        set blank [format "%*s" $indent " "]
    set maxoff [expr $ftoc(scanWidth) - 2]     ;# newline counted as well
    foreach m $msginfo(refs,$msg) {
        if {[lsearch $msginfo(out) $m] < 0} {
            set text $msginfo(text,$m)
            set tmplist [list [string range $text 0 $off] "$blank" "$mark " \
                              [string range $text [expr $off + 1] end]]
            set newtext [join $tmplist ""]
            if {[string length $newtext] > $maxoff} {
                set newtext [string range $newtext 0 $maxoff]
            $exwin(ftext) insert end "$newtext\n"
            lappend msginfo(out) $m
            Thread_PrintReplies $m msginfo $off $mark $indent

proc Thread_IsRel { minfo msg } {
    upvar $minfo msginfo

    if {[lsearch $msginfo(selm) $msg] >= 0} {
        return 1
    foreach m $msginfo(refs,$msg) {
        if [Thread_IsRel msginfo $m] {
          return 1

    return 0

proc Thread_Scan { folder minfo } {
    upvar $minfo msginfo

#  We only care about what is currently displayed into the FTOC.
#  New messages are ignored.
    set maxlines   $msginfo(maxl)
    set firstmsg   [Ftoc_MsgNumber 1]
    set lastmsg    [Ftoc_MsgNumber $maxlines]

    set scan_fmt   "%(msg)%{message-id}%{in-reply-to}%{references}"
    set scan_cmd   [list scan +$folder $firstmsg-$lastmsg \
                             -noheader -noclear -width 9999 -format $scan_fmt]

    if [catch {open "|$scan_cmd"} pipe] {
        Exmh_Status "scan failed: $pipe" purple
        return 1

    set numline 0
    set status "Scanning $folder for cross-references ..."
    set pass [expr int($maxlines/10)]
    set msginfo(hits) 0
    set msginfo(tref) 0

    Exmh_Status $status blue
    while {[gets $pipe line] > 0} {
        if ![regexp {^ *([0-9]+)<([^>]*)>(.*)} $line x num mid newline] {
            # no message-id?
            regexp {^ *([0-9]+)} $line x num
            set mid {}
            set newline {}
        if {$num != [lindex $msginfo(msgs) $numline]} {
            Exmh_Status "thread/scan message mismatch. Rescan?" purple
            return 1
        incr numline
        if {$maxlines > 250 && [expr $numline%$pass] == 0} {
            set done [expr 10*$numline/$pass]
            Exmh_Status "$status $done% done" blue
        set msginfo(refs,$num)  {}
        set msginfo(isref,$num) 0
        set msgnum($mid) $num
        set line $newline          
        while {[regexp {<([^>]*)>(.*)} $line x mid newline] == 1} {
            if [info exists msgnum($mid)] {
                set ref $msgnum($mid)
                lappend msginfo(refs,$ref) $num
                set msginfo(isref,$num) 1
                incr msginfo(hits)
            } else {
                if ![info exists unres($num)] {
                    set unres($num) {}
                lappend unres($num) $mid
            set line $newline
            incr msginfo(tref)
    close $pipe

# Second round. Disordered messages (i.e. replies received BEFORE their
# originals)
    foreach res [array names unres] {
        foreach mid $unres($res) {
           if [info exists msgnum($mid)] {
               set ref $msgnum($mid)
               lappend msginfo(refs,$ref) $res
               set msginfo(isref,$res) 1
               incr msginfo(hits)

    return 0

proc Thread_Display { {breakoff 20} {mark "+->"} } {

    busy Thread_Ftoc 1 $breakoff $mark

proc Thread_DisplayAll { {breakoff 20} {mark "+->"} } {

    busy Thread_Ftoc 0 $breakoff $mark

proc Thread_Ftoc { {selected 0} {breakoff 20} {mark "+->"} } {
    global exwin exmh ftoc msg

#  Check that the current FTOC corresponds to a 'real folder' scan.
    if !$ftoc(displayValid) {
        Exmh_Status "Already threaded or not a valid display" warn

#  Selection activated and nothing selected, so do nothing
    if {$selected && [Ftoc_PickSize] < 1} {
        Exmh_Status "You must select at least one message first" warn

    set folder     $exmh(folder)          ;#  the real folder name
    set curmsg     {}                     ;#  the current message
    set show       noshow                 ;#  redisplay message?

#  Saving the current state
    if $ftoc(pickone) {
        set curmsg $msg(id)
        if {$msg(dpy) == $curmsg} {
            set show show
        set sellines $ftoc(curLine)
    } else {
        set sellines $ftoc(lineset)

#  Commit pending changes. We are sort of changing folders ...
    if {[Ftoc_Changes "Change folder"] > 0} {
    set maxlines   $ftoc(numMsgs)

# Get text ASAP to speed up the whole thing
    set numline 0
    set msginfo(msgs)  {}
    set msginfo(selm)  {}
    Exmh_Status "Getting text from the display ..." blue
    while {$numline < $maxlines} {
        incr numline
        set text [$exwin(ftext) get $numline.0 $numline.end]
        regexp {^ *([0-9]+)} $text x num
        set msginfo(text,$num) $text
        lappend msginfo(msgs) $num
        if {[lsearch $sellines $numline] >= 0} {
            lappend msginfo(selm) $num

    set msginfo(maxl) $maxlines
    if {[Thread_Scan $folder msginfo] != 0} {

# Redisplay
    Msg_Reset $maxlines $folder
    set ftoc(folder) {}
    set ftoc(displayValid) 0    ;#  don't cache this display now
    set ftoc(displayDirty) 0    ;#  but do it later if there are any changes

    set msginfo(out) {}

    Exmh_Status "Redisplaying FTOC ..." blue
    $exwin(ftext) configure -state normal
    $exwin(ftext) delete 0.0 end
    foreach m $msginfo(msgs) {
        if !$msginfo(isref,$m) {
            if {!$selected || [Thread_IsRel msginfo $m]} {
                $exwin(ftext) insert end "$msginfo(text,$m)\n"
                lappend msginfo(out) $m
                Thread_PrintReplies $m msginfo $breakoff $mark
    $exwin(ftext) configure -state disabled

    set numseltext {}
    if $selected {
        set numsel [llength $msginfo(out)]
        set numseltext "$numsel/"
    } elseif {[llength $msginfo(out)] != $maxlines} {
        Exmh_Status "folder incorrectly threaded. line number mismatch" warn

    Ftoc_ShowUnseen $folder

    if {$curmsg != {}} {
        set msg(id) $curmsg
        set ftoc(curLine) [Ftoc_FindMsg $curmsg]
        Buttons_Current 1
        Msg_ShowCurrent $show
    } else {
        if $selected {
            Buttons_Current 0
            Ftoc_PickMsgs $msginfo(selm) 0
        } else {
            Exmh_Status ok
        Ftoc_Yview end
    set eff 0
    if {$msginfo(tref) > 0} {
        set eff [expr int(100*$msginfo(hits)/$msginfo(tref))]
    Label_Folder {} "$folder+ $numseltext$maxlines msgs $eff% threaded"
==============END of: new version of thread.tcl===========================

======================patch to folder.tcl================================
*** folder.tcl.orig     Tue Apr 23 15:26:34 1996
--- folder.tcl  Wed Apr 24 16:08:19 1996
*** 14,19 ****
--- 14,20 ----
  proc Folder_Init {} {
      global exmh argc argv mhProfile
      set exmh(target) {}               ;# Name of target, for refile
+     set exmh(started) 0               ;# For Folder_Change, the first time
      if {$argc > 0 && \
        [file isdirectory $mhProfile(path)/[lindex $argv 0]]} then {
        #scan named folder
*** 77,83 ****
            wm deiconify .
!     if {[Ftoc_Changes "Change folder"] > 0} {
        # Need to reselect previous button here
--- 78,84 ----
            wm deiconify .
!     if {$exmh(started) && [Ftoc_Changes "Change folder"] > 0} {
        # Need to reselect previous button here
*** 99,106 ****
--- 100,113 ----
        global mhProfile
        set summary [Mh_Folder $f]      ;# Set MH folder state
      } else {
+       if {$ftoc(folder) == {} && $exmh(started)} {
+           # pseudo-display -> Checkpoint to set cur msg
+           # startup -> don't checkpoint (clears cur sequence)
+           Exmh_Debug Exmh_CheckPoint [time Exmh_CheckPoint]
+         }
        set summary {}
+     set exmh(started) 1
      global folderHook
      if [info exists folderHook(leave,$oldFolder)] {
        $folderHook(leave,$oldFolder) $oldFolder leave
*** inc.tcl.orig        Wed Apr 24 11:56:59 1996
--- inc.tcl     Wed Apr 24 11:57:54 1996
*** 230,236 ****
  proc Inc_PresortFinish {} {
      global exmh ftoc
      Mh_Folder $exmh(folder)   ;# prestort inc has changed this to MyIncTmp
!     if {[Flist_NumUnseen $exmh(folder)] > 0} {
        Label_Folder $exmh(folder)
        Scan_Folder $exmh(folder) $ftoc(showNew)
--- 230,236 ----
  proc Inc_PresortFinish {} {
      global exmh ftoc
      Mh_Folder $exmh(folder)   ;# prestort inc has changed this to MyIncTmp
!     if {$ftoc(displayValid) && [Flist_NumUnseen $exmh(folder)] > 0} {
        Label_Folder $exmh(folder)
        Scan_Folder $exmh(folder) $ftoc(showNew)
*** ftoc.tcl.orig       Tue Apr 23 15:46:51 1996
--- ftoc.tcl    Wed Apr 24 13:37:53 1996
*** 475,480 ****
--- 475,492 ----
      if {$msgid == {}} {
        return {}
+ #
+ # Linear search for pick and thread FTOCs (pseudo-displays)
+ #
+     if !$ftoc(displayValid) {
+         for {set L 1} {$L <= $ftoc(numMsgs)} {incr L} {
+             if {[Ftoc_MsgNumber $L] == $msgid} {
+                 return $L
+             }
+         }
+         return {}
+     }
      set min 1
      set max $ftoc(numMsgs)    ;# Ignore trailing blank line
      while (1) {
*** 1261,1268 ****
  # Drag Selected
  proc FtocDragSelectOld {w x y wx wy} {
!       global ftoc
        set line [lindex [split [$w index current] .] 0]
        set msg [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
        if {$msg == {} || $msg == 0} return
--- 1273,1284 ----
  # Drag Selected
  proc FtocDragSelectOld {w x y wx wy} {
!       global exmh ftoc
+         set folder $ftoc(folder)
+         if !$ftoc(displayValid) {
+             set folder $exmh(folder)
+         }
        set line [lindex [split [$w index current] .] 0]
        set msg [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
        if {$msg == {} || $msg == 0} return
*** 1270,1288 ****
        # Hand off to Drag code
        global ftocDrag mhProfile
        set ftocDrag(source) $w
!       set ftocDrag(data,foldermsg) "+$ftoc(folder) $msg"
!       set ftocDrag(data,filename) $mhProfile(path)/$ftoc(folder)/$msg
        Drag_Source ftocDrag $x $y
  proc FtocDragSelect {w x y wx wy} {
!     global ftoc ftocDrag mhProfile
      set msgs {}
      if $ftoc(pickone) {
        set line [lindex [split [$w index current] .] 0]
        set msgs [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
        if {$msgs == {} || $msgs == 0} return
!       set ftocDrag(data,filename) $mhProfile(path)/$ftoc(folder)/$msgs
      } else {
        foreach line $ftoc(lineset) {
            set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
--- 1286,1308 ----
        # Hand off to Drag code
        global ftocDrag mhProfile
        set ftocDrag(source) $w
!       set ftocDrag(data,foldermsg) "+$folder $msg"
!       set ftocDrag(data,filename) $mhProfile(path)/$folder/$msg
        Drag_Source ftocDrag $x $y
  proc FtocDragSelect {w x y wx wy} {
!     global exmh ftoc ftocDrag mhProfile
+     set folder $ftoc(folder)
+     if !$ftoc(displayValid) {
+         set folder $exmh(folder)
+     }
      set msgs {}
      if $ftoc(pickone) {
        set line [lindex [split [$w index current] .] 0]
        set msgs [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
        if {$msgs == {} || $msgs == 0} return
!       set ftocDrag(data,filename) $mhProfile(path)/$folder/$msgs
      } else {
        foreach line $ftoc(lineset) {
            set msgid [Ftoc_MsgNumber $line]
*** 1295,1301 ****
      # Hand off to Drag code
      set ftocDrag(source) $w
!     set ftocDrag(data,foldermsg) "+$ftoc(folder) $msgs"
      Drag_Source ftocDrag $x $y
--- 1315,1321 ----
      # Hand off to Drag code
      set ftocDrag(source) $w
!     set ftocDrag(data,foldermsg) "+$folder $msgs"
      Drag_Source ftocDrag $x $y
*** scan.tcl.orig       Tue Apr 23 16:04:47 1996
--- scan.tcl    Wed Apr 24 17:01:30 1996
*** 120,125 ****
--- 120,130 ----
  proc Scan_FolderUpdate { f } {
+     global ftoc
+     if !$ftoc(displayValid) {
+         return                  ;#  don't update pseudo-displays
+     }
      Label_Folder $f
      Scan_Folder $f 0
*** 239,249 ****
      if {$folder == {}} {
!     if {!$ftoc(displayValid) || !$ftoc(displayDirty)} {
      set cacheFile $mhProfile(path)/$folder/.xmhcache
!     if [catch {
        set cacheIO [open $cacheFile w]
        set curLine [Ftoc_ClearCurrent]                 ;# Clear +
        global tk_version
--- 244,270 ----
      if {$folder == {}} {
!     if !$ftoc(displayDirty) {
      set cacheFile $mhProfile(path)/$folder/.xmhcache
! #
! # Display is invalid but changes (deletes) still must be reflected in cache. 
! # A full rescan is the penalty you have to pay for deleting messages inside 
! # this thing.
! #
!     if !$ftoc(displayValid) {
!       set curLine [Ftoc_ClearCurrent]                 ;# Clear +
!         if [file writable $cacheFile] {
!             set scancmd [list exec $mhProfile(scan-proc) \
!                                +$folder -width $ftoc(scanWidth) > $cacheFile]
!             if [catch $scancmd err] {
!                 Exmh_Status "failed to rescan folder $folder: $err" warn
!             }
!         }
!       Ftoc_Change [Ftoc_MsgNumber $curLine] $curLine  ;# Restore it
!     } elseif [catch {
        set cacheIO [open $cacheFile w]
        set curLine [Ftoc_ClearCurrent]                 ;# Clear +
        global tk_version

==============END of: patch to folder.tcl================================

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