On Sat, 22 Dec 2001, Craig Sanders wrote:

> a discussion on debian-devel is not policy.  and even if it was
> established as policy, i would as a matter of principal refuse to accept
> anyone's idiosyncratic spelling rules.

No, of course not.  Policy is policy.  But policy does not come first.
Discussion and implementation do.

To say a thing is not in policy, and then to say that that is a reason not to
consider it, would lead to nothing ever being in policy.

And, if something was explicitly spelt out in policy, and you flatly refused
to implement it, then it would be taken to the technical community.  However,
I feel that you would probably just ignore their ruling, if it were against

However, note that at any time, your package could be NMU'd.

> as has been pointed out to you many times, it was not I that posted that
> message to debian-devel.  are you too stupid to understand plain english
> or something?  i sent a private flame, MZ decided to forward a
> selectively edited part of it to debian-devel.

It was most definately NOT a private flame.  Do you not realize that our bug
system is completly public?  And that *ALL* mails sent to it are sent to

Dare we go to any of these bugs filed against you, and open them up for all
the public to see?  Of course not.  Anyone can.  We don't have to do it at

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