On Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:15:58 +0100, Erich Schubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>A P166 should be a great mp3 player, but gnome probably is overkill...
>So you'll need another Packages.gz for mp3-players, another for servers
>(which do not need gnome ;) usw.

So every package should have a control file stating its CPU
requirements, memory requirements and what ever else comes to mind,
and a tool should be able to filter Packages.gz according to these
requirements. "Give me all packages that will run satisfactorily on my
P166 with 32 MB".

Of course, dpkg should be able to pull in the full database if the
local admin desires to try running a program that doesn't fit the
local machine according to the maintainer's opinion.

Or dpkg should move away from the flat text file approach and store
some pre-compiled database somewhere. I believe this is being prepared
for a few years now.


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