On Sat, 22 Dec 2001 01:38:44 +0100
"Nicolas Chauvat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyhow, my pet project for tonight was to write such a graph checker.

I (and others i know of) have thought about this problem, it is an
intersting problem, i dont think anybody has come up with a good
solution yet.

Most cycles arent bad, some package depend on themselves (their virtual

> What I call a dependency cycle is something like (A depends on B and B

> depends on A) which basically implies that A and B *have*to* be 
> installed and removed together. It may not be a mistake for some
> related packages, but chances are that it will be with cycles of
> longer than 2.
These types of cycles arent a problem, as you say they can be installed
A bad cycle which would make a package uninstallable would be if A
Pre-Depends on B and B Depends or Pr-Depends on A (and visa versa)

> What I call a conflict dependency problem is something like (A
> with B and B depends on A). I saw at least one case where this was on 
> purpose to facilitate upgrade, but I would say that it is an actual 
> problem in most cases.

Some of these will be false alarms as you have to take into account
virtual packages (Provides: field).


gaim **> gaim-gnome --> gaim-common --> gaim
gaim-gnome provides the virtual package gaim which satisfies gaim-common

Best of luck


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