On Wed, Dec 26, 2001 at 12:31:43PM -0800, Stephen Zander wrote:
> >>>>> "Marcus" == Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>     Marcus> Let's promote when we have something to promote.
> Does this count as something to promote?
>         <URL:http://psdoom.sourceforge.net>

Maybe I am missing something that is obvious to everyone else, but I don't
see how the page you are linking to above is related to the quake2-engine.

If there'd be something like psquake2, which onnly depends on quake2-engine
and other free stuff, then, yes! this would be something to promote.


`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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