[please copy me on replies]

* Rob Bradford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-01-02 20:03]:
> I filed a bug against devscripts (#115601) ages ago about this, i got
> bitten nastily by this. I personally prefer DEBNAME.

 It seems that we can't get a consensus....  Which "some other tools"
are those you were speaking of in that bugreport?  I have only got
answers regarding DEBFULLNAME but none regarding DEBNAME.

 I personally would like to have DEBNAME also - but that's not our call.
There is a broader mass (of programs) that seems to be using DEBFULLNAME
than DEBNAME (still, I only know about reportbug) so I'm about to file
it as bugreport against that package for the start.

 So long,
Alfie [trying to destroy inconsistencies and not plant bad blood]
I don't know, chmod g+a something  and the world goes crazy :)
                                  -- Craig Small, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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