Il mer, 2002-01-09 alle 09:16, Jonathan Walther ha scritto:

> Let's see.  Then there is the "bug" with GnuPG signatures not being
> verified correctly due to a Quoted Printable problem.  The answer to
> that one was "The problem is the fault of one of our libraries, and it
> isn't changing anytime soon, so this is not a bug".
> See a trend?  That attitude scares me.  Saying "this would involve a

it's called ximianite, from the company were it started. after it gets
you, you'll suddenly start to answer to bug reports with phrases like
"it is not a bug", "it is not our fault", "it is XXX library", "but we
wrote 100.000 lines of GPL code." :)

evolusion is a great program, really. but assumes way too much about the
QI of the user.

> A user who doesn't know what he is doing will attempt to do everything
> from the provided GUI.  Its shameful to assume that people that attempt
> to use vi to edit their configurations are also idiots.

perfectly worded.

Federico Di Gregorio
Debian GNU/Linux Developer & Italian Press Contact        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
INIT.D Developer                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
              All programmers are optimists. -- Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

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