On Mon, Jan 14, 2002 at 03:30:45PM +0100, Jan Niehusmann wrote:
> Is there a reason why the Release.gpg files for testing and unstable are
> empty?

Yes, 'twas a bug on ftp-master. I created and added the 2002 key the
other day, and tested it, but neglected to ensure the permissions were
correct so that the daily dinstall cronjob could use the keys (apparently
gpg likes removing group read access to secret keyrings...). It should
be fixed in today's mirror run, depending on when that is for you.

Note that the 2001 key expires in a day or two. The 2002 key is available


and should be signed by both me and the 2001 key. 

Its key id is 1024D/722F1AED (and 4096g/D9A900D4), and the fingerprint
is 8FD4 7FF1 AA93 72C3 7043  DC28 AA7D EB7B 722F 1AED. It expires mid
January in 2003.


Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
I don't speak for anyone save myself. GPG signed mail preferred.

The daffodils are coming. Are you?
      linux.conf.au, February 2002, Brisbane, Australia
                                --- http://linux.conf.au/

Attachment: pgp8pIt7j2EQ2.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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