On Fri, 2002-04-05 at 12:37, Glenn McGrath wrote:
> (picked up from http://www.debianplanet.org/article.php?sid=633)


> The current method of checking for updates is to retrieve a new
> Packages.gz file and discard the old Packages.gz file. The problem with
> this method is that commonly less than 1% of the Packages.gz file has
> changed. A number of solutions have been proposed to overcome this
> problem, these include - Compressing the Packages.gz in an rsync friendly
> manner.

I definitely like the idea of the rsyncable gzipping, i think its
something that could be relatively eaily implemented following the woody
release. I dont think we should use this for all our gzipped files in
the archive, but the Packages.gz file would be an excellent place to use

Some questions that need to be asked:
How much extra work would this involve?
Howmany of our mirrors are rsyncable?
Is there *really* a benefit?
What is the phase of the moon?

I know this has come up before but lets come to a conclusion.

Rob 'robster' Bradford

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