On Wed, Apr 10, 2002 at 10:29:56AM +0200, Torsten Landschoff wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 10:40:41PM +0200, Jeroen Dekkers wrote:
> > s/refused/discouraged/ and I would agree. Isn't the goal of Debian
> > providing a free system so users don't have to run any non-free
> > software anymore? IMHO the "we support non-free software" clause was
> I think this is one of the goals of Debian. And in cases where there
> is free software that works good enough I will use it. But sometimes
> there is only non-free software for a task or the non-free program is
> a lot better than the free one.

I like "thinking with my gonads". I just want to have freedom.

> In such cases I sometimes decide to run the non-free tool if it saves
> me some time. After all I want to get my job done and I want to have 
> some time left for leisure or for working on stuff like free software.

You restrict yourself to get some leisure. Don't complain that you are
restricted from doing something afterways when it doesn't work anymore
and you don't have leisure anymore.

> Like you I want other people to use free software as well because then
> I hope not being asked about those silly opaque problems in proprietary
> programs anymore. 

Please don't see you want it like me. I like it because of moral
things, you just because you get some advantages of it. If non-free
software give you (short-term) advantages then you even use that. I
would never do that because free software is always better in the long

> But I am not going to attack anybody because he 
> likes the proprietary stuff better, not even if it is extreme silly to 
> do so. If somebody tells me about yet another Outlook problem I will
> just smirk and go on to the next email.

Yes, and I will tell him why he has this problems and that there is
some solutions for it (namely using a good, free MUA). You just let
the person helpless, I try to point him to the fix. However if you try
to help somebody you should not be a debian developers because you
said that non-free software is the problem and you are not allowed to
say that according to the social contract.

Jeroen Dekkers
Jabber supporter - http://www.jabber.org Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org http://www.gnu.org

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