At 10:09 PM 8/9/2002 +0200, Mathieu.Segaud wrote:
There is a patch for a debmirror for mirroring over http
Attached to this mail.


Mathieu Segaud

This patch solved my problem! I was hoping that I wasn't going to re-write my script for this and I didn't have to.

Thanks a lot for all the responses.

Now the next question regarding debmirror... It appears that it will only retrieve the contents of a directory as they are listed in the Packages.gz or Sources.gz files. With the default "--cleanup" setting, it destroyed the woody/main/disk-i386 directory from my mirror. I only enabled that setting after deciding that everything was working (I didn't want to re-download the entire archive...)

I only lost the disks-i386 directory, and now have fixed things with a fmirror of that directory and a little interesting linking. My mirror now looks like it should except I have to re-fix the links to disks-i386 every time I sync my mirror to the real one. This is automated but should not be needed.

Is there any plans to add a feature to debmirror to grab entire sub directories so it will be possible to keep things like disks-i386 and even /debian/tools so rawrite.exe is in the mirror.

Thanks again!

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