
First I wanted to thank all who discussed about the idea of
free-java-sdk. I have included small FAQ and (as adviced) I'll
be including some documentation about 'why ABC is better than XYZ'.

But now - to the facts - what I have now.
I think you can try it yourself, just add to /etc/apt/sources.lists
deb http://debian.sente.pl/debian ./
and issue: 'apt-get install free-java-sdk'

Keep in mind that this is still work-in-progress, however I already
have there:

sablevm and it's classlib (packaged, ready for first upload)
fastjar (it's already in debian)
gjdoc (javadoc replacement - packaged, almost ready ffu)
cp-tools (javah,javap,serialver - packaged almost ready ffu)
jikes (will have to add wrapper for it in fjsdk - later)

those tools give you this in /usr/lib/fjsdk/bin:

jar java javac javadoc javah javap serialver

I am looking forward for more tools to be integrated there, like
rmic, jdb etc. but found none so far (yes, I know kaffe has them).

Be warned that all that setup is still a bit experimental
(it shouldn't do any damage, but it may not work in all cases)
For example - javac javah serialver - I belive very few persons
used them till now. Some more, I think, used gjdoc.

I am not yet sure, but eventually all (or most) of the tools in
classpath-tools project may be integrated into one, single
package (classpath-tools). I am discussing it with upstream.

I am open for any ideas, comments, bugreports, bugfixes etc.

Best regards

                                        Grzegorz B. Prokopski

PS: I just received authorization to forward you private mail
from sablevm author (who tracked our recent discussion).
I'll forward it in a minute.

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