On Thu, Aug 15, 2002 at 08:34:54AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Aug 2002, Michael Cardenas wrote:
> > Do we really need a font author? How about just starting a project and
> > learning how to make our own tt fonts?
> Font creation is kind of a science.  I'm really no expert but when I
> spend some time in TeX and Metafont some years ago I've learned that
> it needs some knowledge and skills to create good looking fonts which
> look nice in every skaling and do not need a long time for rendering.

I realize this, but it also takes some knowledge and skill to create a
compiler, or a web browser, or an os kernel, but we've done all
that. I'm willing to invest the time, be it months or years, to try to
create free high quality typography that is unencumbered by copyrights
and patents. 

> > Which is why it would be better for someone to donate their time and
> > make some free as in speech fonts.
> I wonder if we could share this problem with the TeX community.  Those
> people might have the same problem.  Perhaps some Metafont to Truetype
> converter might do the trick??? Just an idea.

Metafont is a program that takes it's own input language and generates
a truetype font, from what I understand. 

I've contacted some people, to see if anyone knows of any public
domain, high quality true type fonts. Also pfaedit seems like it might
be able to generate good truetype fonts, but it's hinting code needs
some work. 

My main concern at this point is that it may be infeasible to generate
high quality truetype fonts without using apple's patented truetype
instructions (which is only a small subset of instructions, but they
are commonly used in fonts). I've contacted one of the freetype
authors to ask him what he thinks about this. 

> Kind regards
>          Andreas.

thank you 


michael cardenas | lead software engineer | lindows.com | hyperpoem.net

"Man's main task in life is to give birth to himself."
- Erich Fromm

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