[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Thomas Bushnell, BSG) writes:

> John Hasler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The US government definitely is allowed to own copyrights.  The restriction
> > is on _enforcing_ their copyrights on works of which they are author.
> There are two ways to be the owner of a copyright.  First, you can buy
> it from someone else (or otherwise get it by transfer).  The US
> government can own copyrights this way.
> The second way is by writing something.  The US government cannot own
> copyrights this way.  But this is not a restriction merely on
> enforcement, rather, no copyright at all exists.
> As evidence, I cite the following, 17 USC 105:
> "Copyright protection under this title is not available for any work
> of the United States Government, but the United States Government is
> not precluded from receiving and holding copyrights transferred to it
> by assignment, bequest, or otherwise."

The specific powers of the U.S. government listed there are
"receiving" and "holding".  It does not mention "enforcing" or
"protecting", etc.  Are those powers implied elsewhere?

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