
I intended to ask for removal of this list but Joey sugested to ask
first whether anybody intents to use this list or finds it useful as it
is now.

In my -release folder I found:
| Total messages since November 2001: 128
| (some spam has been fltered out by SA locally, I won't dig them out)
| Month     Regular On Topic Mail      Spam   Other ((un)subscribe)
|        total msgs/threads (xpost to -boot, -project or -devel)
| 2001-11       2/2 (2/2)                9
| 2001-12       3/3 (3/3)               15
| 2002-01                               15
| 2002-02       9/1 (9/1)               13
| 2002-03       4/1 (4/1)                6    1
| 2002-04       7/4 (3/3)                8
| 2002-05       5/3 (4/2)                4
| 2002-06                                6    1
| 2002-07                               15
| 2002-08 (so far)                       5
| Sum:         30/14 (25/12)            96    2
| Probe Count: 30+96+2 == 128. ok.
Over three times more spam than real messages. And of those real
messages over 80% are really discussed on -boot or -project.

The list sure looks dead to me. Does anyone disagree?

Please followup to -release.

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