Here's an update. 

After consulting with debian-legal, I emailed Bigelow and Holmes
tonight to ask them to reconsider the license they have chosen so that
they can be included in debian. If anyone is interested, I can post
that email here. 

I've ITP'd the one latin ttf font I know of which is not packaged yet,
dustismo, but it does not have very high quality hinting yet. 

I found this extensive list, of original font authors:

and have begun to email the to ask about licensing. If anyone is
interested, I can post that email here also. I got to about "Bakoma
Fonts" so if anyone wants to help look through these fonts and email
the authors of the ones that look valuable, that would be great. Let
me know who how far you get, so we dont duplicate any. 

I emailed the author of metatype ( to ask him
about the status of his font and software, but have not received a
response yet. 

I emailed the maintainer of pfaedit, since the author's email is not
listed on his webpage, but have not received any response
yet. Apparently, pfaedit is being actively developed though. It seems
like it is a good font editor, but it needs a lot of work. 

I also found ttfmod,, a program
specifically for doing truetype hinting, but as the website says "The
Save and Save As commands may have problems. Let's pretend it's called
ttfview for now...". I emailed the author to offer my help, but I haven't 
gotten a
response yet. There was a changelog entry from June 2002. 

In case I didn't mention it before, there is this project:, which is not actually part
of the fsf, but they are trying to make free truetype fonts. 

I will be ITP'ing and creating a ttf-latin meta package that depends on
any useful ttf fonts I can find, including ttf-thryomanes.

So, a lot of stuff is still pending, but I wanted to summarize my
findings here. 

thanks for the input


michael cardenas | lead software engineer | |

" -a crumpled bed that never existed- like a 
 poem in the dark-escaped back into Oblivion."
- Allen Ginsberg

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