
Thank you for writing us. We've been overwhelmed by the response to our WindowsMedia.com site, so we may not be able to write an individual reply to you. If you sent in a REQUEST for a specific radio station for the Radio Station Guide, you can be sure that we'll try to add it. But an email from you to the station may be more persuasive.

To find your station's email address, please refer to the listing of radio station Web sites on http://rronline.com/Exclusives/Directory/Homepage.htm or on http://wmbr.mit.edu/stations/. Please email the radio station, tell them about the Microsoft Radio Station Guide (at http://WindowsMedia.microsoft.com/radio/radio.asp), and let them know that you want to listen to the station using the Windows Media Player.

If you have a technical question, please consult the following resources:

- Microsoft Support maintains a searchable collection of problem-solving tools and technical information (Knowledge Base articles, Troubleshooting Wizards, and downloadable files) on a wide variety of topics at http://support.microsoft.com/support/. You can also click the "search" tab at the top of any Microsoft page to search even more content categories.

- For updated information about Internet Explorer, go to http://www.microsoft.com/ie/.

- For questions about MSN, please go to http://www.msn.com/help/.

- For an informational Web tutorial, go to http://www.microsoft.com/magazine/guides/internet/.

- For information about the Windows Media Player, go to http://www.microsoft.com/windows/mediaplayer/default.asp.

If you'd like to learn about other new stations as we add them, subscribe to our FREE newsletter. Go to the bottom of the Radio Station Guide to learn how.

Best regards,

WindowsMedia.com / Your audio-video guide


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