On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 08:24:58PM +0100, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 21, 2002 at 12:09:57PM -0700, Marc Singer wrote:
> > I'm confused by the behavior of apt-get install --reinstall.  I found
> > out yesterday that the /etc/bind/db.root file was missing on my name
> > server.  I was able to recover by linking to an old copy and
> > restarting bind9.  However, when deleted the link and performed the
> > --reinstall command, the db.root file was not restored.
> Sounds like you want dpkg --force-confmiss.

I wouldn't expect that since the documentation states:

 confmiss: Always install  a  missing  configuration
              file.  This  is  dangerous, since it means not pre-
              serving a change (removing) made to the file.

How could it be dangerous to install a *missing* configuration file?

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