On Sat, Aug 24, 2002 at 12:05:50AM +0200, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Second, there is the famous... TADA ! Packages file size !
> While this shouldn't be a limit for what we package, we can't increase
> its size indefinitely. This one of the reasons why the gnome applets
> were put in a single package. I think the dockapps problem is a good
> example to think about what to do with the Packages file : we can "save"
> tens of packages by using bundles, or increase their number by a score.
> So we have to decide now what to do : either we begin to save some
> packages to avoid a too big Packages file, or we find NOW another way of
> downloading the debs list. If we keep the things the way they are going,
> APT will probably be unusable in sarge+1.

The main difference is that gnome-applets does not contain 30 clocks, 20
network status applets, 35 battery status applets... while OTOH your
package system will end up in a complete set of clocks... to use 1 or
not at the end.

I would go, in any case, for a set of complete dockapps, keeping 1 or 2
of the different areas, but not more.

Or even a metapackage which lets you select from different clocks/net
status apps/battery status/... and installs the ones you select.

Could be text based, or using a graphical frontend

my .02 euros.

Jesus Climent | Unix System Admin | Helsinki, Finland.
http://www.HispaLinux.es/~data/  |  data.pandacrew.org
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