On Fri, Aug 23, 2002 at 04:01:15PM +0300, Juhapekka Tolvanen wrote:
> ACE:
> http://www.winace.com/
> They provide some statically linked Linux-binary for unpacking
> ACE-archives. If that file-format is not very secret, somebody might be
> able to create free unpacking-software for ACE-files. But feel free to
> negotiate with authors of WinAce.

Old versions of ACE came with the source for a simple unpacker. I
believe the only things lacking are support for encrypted and multi-file
archives. It works fine on Linux.

It has the following license:
-- UNACE-SOURCE v1.2b (extract-util) --
the source may be distributed and used, 
but I,Marcel Lemke, retain ownership of
the copyrights to the source.

I think this makes it non-free (it doesn't explicitly allow
modifications), but it may help to figure out the algorithm.

You can find it at http://wilma.vub.ac.be/~pdewacht/unace-1.2b.tar.gz

Peter De Wachter

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