On 24-Aug-02, 09:48 (CDT), Oliver Elphick <olly@lfix.co.uk> wrote: 
> On Thu, 2002-08-22 at 21:40, Steve Greenland wrote:
> > While I'll grant you that "dangerous" is probably not the correct
> > adjective, the current behaviour is correct. Debian policy is that
> > packages don't override admin modifications to configuration files.
> > Removing a file is a modification. End of story.
> The problem is not that it doesn't override, which would not be
> desirable, but that it doesn't flag a missing conffile during
> upgrading.  Deletion of a file should be regarded as a change, and
> should merit a question about whether the default package file should be
> installed.

It does. But you are asked about replacing only if *both* of the following
are true:

A. You've modified the conffile.
B. The maintainer has modified the conffile.

If only A is true, the conffile is left alone with no question. If only B is
true, then the conffile is replaced with no question.


Steve Greenland

    The irony is that Bill Gates claims to be making a stable operating
    system and Linus Torvalds claims to be trying to take over the
    world.       -- seen on the net

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