Don> I was just about to file a wishlist against makedev to get
Don> support for dpti0 .. dptiX (adaptec i2o raid cards) added to
Don> MAKEDEV, but remembered that there had been some talk in July
Don> about it's replacement.[1]

Don> Could Andreas Salmon, Bdale Garbee, and Sean Perry comment on the
Don> status of a replacement MAKEDEV if one is in the works? [Or point
Don> me to relevant documentation?]

Mine is still ready:

Ian Zimmerman, Oakland, California, U.S.A.
GPG: 433BA087  9C0F 194F 203A 63F7 B1B8  6E5A 8CA3 27DB 433B A087
EngSoc adopts market economy: cheap is wasteful, efficient is expensive.

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