At  7:01 pm, Wednesday, August 21 2002, Anthony Towns mumbled:
> linda doesn't run cleanly over the entire archive -- it misbehaves on
> some packages (leaving /tmp/linda-* directories about), and just seems
> to hang on others. I haven't tracked down what's causing this. I don't
> believe it includes all the checks lintian does either, although in some
> cases that might be a win...
Bugs, patches, or pointers at packages which make it misbehave are always

<Overfiend> goodbye, netsnaipe
<Overfiend> kick netsnipe
<Overfiend> oops
<StevenK> Overfiend: That's 'netxnipe'
<Overfiend> StevenK: bwa ha, I had totally forgotten that! :)

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