Le Sun, Aug 25, 2002 at 01:33:36PM -0700, Ryan Murray écrivait:
> while the build-depends on perl were updated, the build-depends for the
> new libdbi were not.  You need to update all build-depends that might be

They were in 1.28-1.1 (NMU by Joey), but during the transition the
maintainer uploaded 1.18-2 compiled against the old perl 5.6 ... so
Joey's NMU got lost. Then the maintainer uploaded -3 compiled against perl
5.8 but without the build-dep, he finally added the build dep in -4.

Everything is ok now.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://strasbourg.linuxfr.org/~raphael/
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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