On Mon, 2002-08-26 at 19:30, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
> Hi!
> At te moment, there are a lot of old ITP's hanging around in the WNPP,

  When I was looking through the RFP list a while back, I noticed many
of them were for packages that were not maintained upstream - sometimes
they were still at the planning stage after a number of years; sometimes
they had been abandoned (many napster clones); in other cases, upstream
just seemed to be very amateurish with little sign of development (e.g.
not using cvs; no mailing lists; seem to be only one developer; no
documentation; latest 'news' on the site being from many months or years
ago; poorly designed website).
As I am not yet a developer, I did not try to close the RFP's. 

What action should be taken about such RFPs?

| Mark Howard               cam.ac.uk   mh344@ |
| http://www.tildemh.com    tildemh.com    mh@ |

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