Giorgio Mandolfo wrote:
Hi everybody.

This may be quite stupid or frivolous. :-)

I have noticed the migration of the extra documentation files from /usr/doc/ to /usr/share/doc/ (as also describes the Debian Policy chapter 13.3).
I am trying not to use exclusively the simbolic link to /usr/share/doc/ but to look directly to the new folder.
Well, I there is a (very) simple and boring fact: the <tab> completion locks because there is /usr/share/doc-base/ too.

I searched for some explanations about it in the Debian Policy, even if its name is self-explanatory. I did not find anything.

So my questions/proposals are:
- Why this directory exists? And what is it about?
This is repository for dwww and dhelp online help packages AFAIK. If you launch dhelp (and have appropriate documentation installed), you will probably find some docs about how it is supposed to work. Sorry but I don't know name of the package with documentation about doc-base :(.

- Is it possible to move their contents to /usr/share/doc/ allowing a faster search through the filesystem?
Just hit <tab, slash> instead of tab, one keystroke isn't THAT much :). Renameing the directory could solve your problem, but is it worth one keystroke per typing /usr/share/doc/whatever?

Thanks for reading, Giorgio

[I cc it to debian-devel]
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