On Tue, 27 Aug 2002 21:59:28 -0600 (MDT),
"J. Scott Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> little endian hex dump
Can this tackle the length of int?

> find a file within a file
Can you elaborate?  Is it something like tar -x or munpack?

> duplicate file remover

> file renamer (that can change case).
rename (in perl) or mmv

> file slicer (that can slice up a file into different size chunks).

> display id3 tags in mp3 files
> remove id3 tags in mp3 files
mp3info (I think there are other tools)

> generate id3 tags from file name (probably not generally useful).
It may save some perl one-liner.

> convert wave <--> raw audio files
> examine wave/raw audio files and print stats
> change amplitude of wave/raw audio files
> adjust lead in/lead out of wave/raw audio files

I don't like the people who always say "why do you bloat Debian
with yet another foo" every time they see an ITP, but you should
write the description carefully so that the user can see
the difference.  Study what is already packaged.

Oohara Yuuma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Debian developer
PGP key (key ID F464A695) http://www.interq.or.jp/libra/oohara/pub-key.txt
Key fingerprint = 6142 8D07 9C5B 159B C170  1F4A 40D6 F42E F464 A695

I played almost all shoot-en-up games in Debian before I wrote tenmado.

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