On Thu, 29 Aug 2002, Branden Robinson wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 29, 2002 at 09:59:36AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> > unfortunately treetool is non-free because there is neigther a
> > license nor any upstream author available.
> Uh, if there's no license we have no business shipping it at all.
> Even in non-free.
> Please ask debian-legal if you need clarification of this.
We have explicite permission:

Thanks for your interest in treetool.  While treetool is "free"; some
portions are copyright the University of Illlinois.  I am currently working
on getting permission from them to obtain clear rights to the package; in
the meantime, I cannot place the program under the GNU license (which is my
desire).  I do have permission to distribute the program, so you are
welcome to include it under the "non-free" area of Debian Linux.

When these issues are cleared up, I will place the package under the GNU
license and let you know.

Mike McCaughey
Click! Computer Services, Inc.

Thanks for your remark


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