On Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 10:31:23AM -0400, Joe Drew wrote:
> If fraunhofer say that you are allowed to distribute mp3 players for
> free (but not for cost), then they must be put in non-free. And since
> they have patents all around the world, they can't be put in non-us.

It's my interpretation of the DSFG, which I have offered on debian-legal
many times in the past without controversy (notable in itself), that we
do not hold DFSG-nonfreeness imposed by a patent as rendering a package
DFSG-nonfree if the package maintainer or upstream author is not in
cahoots with the patent holder in enforcing a DFSG-violating patent

In other words, if you write some free software, it's not your fault if
some company decides 15 minutes or 15 years later that they had a patent
on an algorithm you used, and sent packs of lawyers out to eradicate
your software from the planet.

So, the issue for Debian is not -- as long as it's honestly licensed
DFSG-freely by the author -- "do we move it into non-free?" but "can we
ship it at all?"

I think it would be fair to tar mpg321 with the brush of "non-free" when
that clearly wasn't your intent when you wrote it.  Having a giant
corporation smash your First Amendmendment[1] right to express yourself
via computer code is quite punishment enough.

[1] Okay, so you're Canadian, UDHR or whatever.  I'm perfectly happy to
stand up for the First Amendment rights even of people who aren't
governed by the U.S. Constitution.  That makes me doubly-damned
according to the Republican Party, I think.  "*FREE SPEECH* for

G. Branden Robinson                |     Exercise your freedom of religion.
Debian GNU/Linux                   |     Set fire to a church of your
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |     choice.
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |

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