On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 07:14:37PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:

> Policy doesn't rule the NMUs. There's no rule for NMUs, just
> guidelines ... and the guideline during a BSP are "NMU without prior
> notification but upload to DELAYED in order to leave some time to the
> maintainer if he's not happy with the NMU".


There's no indication that there are special rules for the BSP. 
Furthermore, I find it silly that our standard procedures should be ignored
for the BSP.  If our standard procedures are inadequate, let's fix them, not
use some undocumented hard-to-track exception for the BSP.

> So please ... don't complain about NMUers when they are only trying ot
> help you !

There's a difference between NMUs done right and NMUs done wrong.  The
latter may not be a help at all, whatever the intent may be.

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