Le Mon, Sep 02, 2002 at 12:20:22AM -0400, Elie Rosenblum écrivait:
> Would you agree that performing an NMU without a BTS entry is wrong?


The strict minimum is :
- create a patch for the NMU
- make the patch available to the maintainer (via direct mail or bts)

If you upload the package to DELAYED, it is enough to respect the spirit
of the NMUs guidelines (which are in developers-reference).

BTW, the developers-reference evolved quite a bit since the good old
days, and the DELAYED stuff is mentionned in the NMU guidelines...
please read it again.


> I've been hit with an
> irresponsible maintainer performing an NMU without submitting a
> bug at all, even if it was 5 minutes before he uploaded.

This is ridiculous. An NMU is not a punishment for bad maintainers,
it's an offer of help to help you catch up in your Debian work.

No one should be offended by an NMU.

> especially since we have little control over which keys can
> successfully upload any given package.

You want respect for yourself, you don't want to be treated like
an "irresponsible maintainer", but you show absolutely no respect to
people who are doing NMUs to help you.

Think about it, people doing NMUs are other Debian developers like you 
who take their free time to help you, and look how you thank them.

Even if he made a mistake, it's not a big one, the upload was to
DELAYED, the package has not yet been installed, you have a chance
to dump the NMU by uploading your own fix.

Raphaël Hertzog -+- http://www.ouaza.com
Formation Linux et logiciel libre : http://www.logidee.com

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