I am using fpc 1.0.4 [2001/08/31] for i386.  The program I am trying to run 
uses mysql unit, and i unit i have masde to simplify 
mysql usage.  When it get to

This error arises.

An unhandled exception occurred at 0x4002468F :
 Access violation

I am using debian 3.0.  When I was using 2.2 (and mysqlibs 6 instead of 10, I 
would never get this error.)
Please help.  I think the problem lies with mysqlibs10-dev yet there is no 
other package abvailable to replace it.

Joel Maxwell,
WWHCN System Administrator
program sig
// uses ggi, gtk, mysql;
        WriteLn('Content-type: text/plain');
        WriteLn('Our social strategy is lacking but it is the future,');
        WriteLn('it is what takes us away from the caves');

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