On Fri, Nov 22, 2002 at 08:54:29AM -0500, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> Because I'd like to Debian be installable with much fewer questions, 

Do you realise what that means? It means: I want everyone to end up with
the same system.

Which either means, "I'm not interested in having Debian support all the
people who have different requirements to me", or "I'm happy for people
to have to confusing invocations to get what they want"

The former's not very reasonable: we're trying to produce the universal
operating system, remember. The latter can be reasonable, but should
really be a matter of efficiency and user-friendliness, not religion.

If asking a question upfront makes an install notably more efficient
than requiring the user to switch to a shell and run vi, without making
life much harder for the person who just wants to say "no", then it
should be done.

(Actually, there's one other way of interpreting the original desire:
that it'd be okay to make the question continue to exist, but not
require any effort -- even just hitting enter -- to accept the defaults.
Consider the difference between accepting the defaults with debconf to
accepting the defaults with make menuconfig)

aj, who always thought being able to say "No" to "Do you want non-free
    software?" was more empowering than offensive

Anthony Towns <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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