On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 01:53:10PM -0500, Daniel Burrows wrote:

>   That assumes that the runtime dependencies are a subset of the build
> dependencies and their recursive dependencies.
>   Imagine a program that displays its output with gv: it doesn't need gv
> to build, but it needs it at runtime.

Done any ebuilds lately?


"In the official ebuilds, all dependencies have already been specified, so
when you issue emerge net-www/mozilla/mozilla-1.0, Portage will insure that
all libraries necessary for Mozilla to build and run are properly installed
before Mozilla itself is built.

Portage even distinguishes between build-time dependencies and run-time      
dependencies. (Caveat: Currently, Portage installs all build-time and
run-time dependencies and leaves it at that. At a later stage, it will be
possible to trim your installation so that only the run-time dependencies
are left installed)."

 - mdz

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